Matthew Davies Media


Telephone No: 07941 935539
Web Site:

Address 2: 11 Cambrian Place
County: Powys
Postcode: SY18 6BX

Contact Operations: Matthew Davies
Contact Sales: Matthew Davies
Contact General: Matthew Davies

No of Employees:1

Company History: The company was set up in 2005. Matthew Davies Media films and edits videos for websites and for use on social media. Companies include Mid Wales Manufacturing Group, Powys Business Awards, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, Severn Trent Water, Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Powys County Council, Invertek and many SMEs.  Matthew Davies Media is professional, well mannered and always endeavours to provide what is best for the client.

Area of Operation - Films: Productions are usually 2-15 minutes in length and can be shown online, exhibitions and presentations. Subjects include mental health, manufacturing, engineering, health and safety, hospitality, environmental, countryside/wildlife, holiday parks, solicitors, accountants, farms, nurseries and many more.

Presenters: Matthew Davies Media have worked with Iolo Williams, Brian Blessed, John Humphrys, Richard Briers, David Bellamy and Ben Fogle.


Mid Wales Storage Centre Ltd


Mangar International